Newborn Family Portrait Session

Newborn Family Portrait Session

 Shhh…  We slipped quietly into the nursery to meet the newest member of their family. After chatting with mom we learned that “big” brother naps mid-morning, so we planned to arrive then, leaving us a chance to spend time alone with mom and dad and the newest member of their family. Little fingers and toes and that sleepy newborn smile were all captured while the older child napped. When big brother awoke refreshed from his nap and ready to play, we let him show off his new brother and turned our attention to him and the new family of four. As we walked through the house a framed piece with newborn images we had made of the first born were displayed on the wall. We all stood there for a moment amazed to see such a resemblance to his new little brother. It’s amazing how quickly that little boy turned into a laughing, guitar strumming, energetic little toddler we captured today, we suspect time will fly just as quickly as we watch his baby brother grow and change. We spent such a great afternoon making portraits of the family, being serenated on the guitar by father and son alike – rock star material no doubt – and played on the enchanted slide and wooden jungle gym. It was really hard to say who had more fun…we can’t wait to go down the slide again.  Susan and Lynda